For information about litters please contact the breeder

If you are interested in getting one of our very special puppies, please fill in the following questionaire when inquiring about a litter

1 - Do you have children? If yes - age and how many

2 - How big is your garden?

3 - What are your working hours?

4 - Are you going to work with, show or breed or do you only want a dog for company?

5 - Do you have a pool or lake - if yes is it covered?

6 - Are you planing to do some training such as basic, obedience, with your dog?

7 - Are you planing to breed with your dog?

8 - Do you travel frequently - if yes, will the dog accompany you on those trips?

9 - Are you looking for a male or a female?

10 - Will the puppy have a companion, are there any other dogs in your residence?

11 - Will the dog sleep indoors or outdoors?

12 - Where do you live?

13 - How much do you know about Weimaraners?