why nobis krug?

Nobiskrug is a 500+ year old property in Germany, close to Hildesheim, near Hannover. This is the property from where out ancestors migrated to Brasil in 1845.

Karl Spangenberg

born Apr 25th,1821 died Nov 16th,1890, came to Brasil in 1845 and established himself definitely in Petropolis after not having succeeded to establish in Rio de Janeiro. He became quite well known for his exquisite wood carvings, mainly walkingsticks, but also pictureframes, small figurines and lots of other small pieces, many of which can be seen in the Imperial Museum in Petropolis.

He was an architect and many lovely mansions in Petropolis were built by him, the most known one being the Casa de Petropolis at Av Ipiranga, close to his own residence and also the Lutheran German Church.

Built in 1884 by Karl Spangenberg for Jose Tavares Guerra, gardens by Auguste Glaziou

One of his daughters married an English gentleman, Mr Hampshire and of this marriage one of the children was our grandmother Helene who married a German named Ernst Heins. They had 6 children, the second one being Werner Heins, my father.

When I started breeding dogs together with my sister Karin Heins in 1971, we decided to register the kennel name of Nobiskrug in memory of the property where our ancestors came from in Germany.

Since 1978 the breeding concentrates solely on the Weimaraner breed and through the years the name Nobiskrug became worldwide known not only as an old historical site in Germany but also as a selective high quality Weimaraner breeding kennel in Rio de Janeiro

Selective quality breeding is our goal